Dicam Services

Barn Report

     Barn Report is the industry leader for production data recovered from site. An efficient low cost service connects to your Dicam network, collects and processes the data. Using PC software issued free of charge you can then review your data. This can help you identify problems, catch disasters before they happen, reduce costs and make more profit.

     Barn Report is Internet based and securely encrypted. This means that data distribution is cheap but access is controlled. You may choose to authorize access for your Vet or Consultant which means you can review data together - wherever you are. Expert help without the cost of a farm visit or the risk to biosecurity. If a visit is necessary, you get best value by having detailed information at hand.

Download & Instructions...

Look & Tell

If you wish, our staff or one of our associates can Look at your data for you and Tell you what they have seen. Look & Tell - will quickly help you isolate any trouble spots and get best value out of Barn Report from day one. You can use the full service or do it yourself - your choice!

Contact Us to arrange for Look & Tell services


BRH Inc. | 203 Crest Dr. Beatrice | Beatrice, NE 68310
Phone (402) 806-4280 | Fax (402) 806-4286

Dicam products are distributed in the United States by BRH Inc., DicamUSA.com v.2013.11.11